From: Subject: Game playing in CSSE labs Date: 29 September 2006 2.21.46p To: Hi, We have found files that indicate you have been installing the game Quake on CSSE lab machines. The computer regulations at forbid the use of CSSE computers for anything other than CSSE course-related work. Part of the reason for this is the noisy environment that game players create, and we've had complaints from a number of students who find game players annoying. Students found installing games on CSSE computers could lose their access to our systems, and other more serious penalties may also apply. Please remove any games you have installed on our systems, and don't install any more of them. Tony Dale, Senior Programmer.
From: Subject: gaming... Date: 24 September 2007 4.33.45p To: I've heard a rumour (my spies at work) that there's a bit of a gaming culture forming in the Honours room. In previous years, students in the honours room have complained that their work has been affected by others playing games. We haven't had any complaints yet this year, but if they happen, we'll be forced to act. Please be considerate... (of both your own academic potential, and the impact that your actions might have on others). Andy